3 for $1.00
$0.75 each
Please visit our on-line
to purchase
Issue P-38 can

has teamed with
to bring you the most concise history we can of the
P-38 and P-51 Can Openers.
We are trying to bring to you both the technical and
humanitarian history of the "thingamajig" know as
"The Greatest Army Invention
Ever" - the P-38.
For all your Tru-Spec, BDU and military clothing
needs please visit our friends at

P-38 Can Opener History and Information
"John Wayne"
The P-38 can opener has been
called on of the greatest military inventions of all
The P-38 can opener is still in the military
inventory and is currently assigned NSN
Below is listed select technical
excerpts from the military specification that
addresses the P38 can openers. The
information is reprinted here verbatim from the
actual military specification. Information on
the P-51 can be located on the P-51 Information page
the P-38 Can Opener
Being technically minded we overlook
the fact that
most people look for the humanity in things before
the engineering for this reason we have enclosed a reprint of the
article written by Col. Renita Menyhert, then Major
Renita Foster. This reprint is with her
permission and we feel that is a must read for
anyone interested in the history of the P-38 Can

The original article titled
The greatest Army Invention ever, appeared
in the military publication PENTAGRAM on August 18,
The article has been copied and
published many more times since it's authoring in
The resolution of the article copy
we were able to obtain is dismal at best. We
contacted Col. Renita Foster and she was kind enough
to e-mail her original draft and we have published
it on a separate page for you to review. To
review the original draft of Col. Renita Fosters
composition it's entirety click on the below button
to be taken directly to the page.

Dear Kobie, I sent a note and P38 to your Dog
Tag business address, but just in case it didn't
make it I'll do it here as well. First, I do
congratulate you on such an ingenious business.
I'm sure it will take you many places in
addition to college.
I am so touched someone your age is interested
in this marvelous invention and you have my
permission to use it anyway you choose. In fact,
I would love to see it in print again so help
The P38 was one of my favorite stories. It took
three years to write and also won me an award so
it is special and I'm pleased to hear people are
still interested in it. I happen to be from
Texas also. Although I was born in Dallas, my
father was in the Air Force and we moved quite a
bit. However, I spent many years in San Antonio
and now regard that as home. As soon as my 30
years is up I hope to move back their for good.
I am in the Army, by the way, and have enjoyed
being a feature writer for the service most of
my career. I hope you enjoy the article.
Good luck and let me know how your report comes
out in class. By the way, my husband proposed
with a P38, that's why it's so special to me!
Sincerely, Col. Renita Menyhert (Foster)
May 10, 2004
For more publications, articles
and stories about the P-38 Can Opener please see our

The P-38
Can Opener was designed by the Army for use in the

These two photographs
show the P-38 and it's issue wrapper as it would
have been found in C-Rations of 1945. Look in
the lower left corner of the photograph on the left,
the photograph on the right is an enlargement of the
original photograph to show the P-38's in more

One of the more interesting things about the P-38
can opener is that if anyone knows anything about
the military then they do not do anything very fast.
Well the P-38 appears to be one of the exceptions to
the rule. In 1942 the P-38 was conceived,
designed, prototyped and went into production in
less than 30 days. For the Government to do
anything in less than 30 days is a phenomenal

Writer and Author Don Lancaster,
webmaster of
www.tinaja.com expresses his interest in the
P-38 as one of the greatest inventions of all time
in his article, Elegant Simplicity.
This article appeared in Midnight Engineering
January-February, 1994. Below is an excerpt
from that article that Mr. Lancaster graciously
allowed us to publish here.
of the goals I have consistently sought out over the
years is to develop designs and products which
inherently possess an elegant simplicity.
Like many truly great concepts, elegant simplicity
can be hard to pin down. But you sure know it
when you've got it.
One clue is when industry insiders end up shaking their
heads in stunned disbelief.
Elegant simplicity combines the best of Schumacher's
"do more with less" and Buckminster Fuller's
"appropriate technology". Yeah, Whole
Earth Catalog stuff. It goes way on
back to that ancient Ockham's Razor
principle of the most fundamentally direct
explanation often ending up the most correct.
Or Einstein's "Always seek out the simplest possible
solution - but none simpler".
Probably the best way we can get a handle on elegant
simplicity is to look at several products and
designs that clearly have it. Here are my
selections for a few of the all time winners . . .
I consider the P-38 can opener to be by far the finest
invention of the twentieth century. Bar none.
Compared to the P-38, such utter frivolities as
radio, television, autos, or aviation are not even
in the same league. Yes, even Hostess
Twinkies pale by comparison.
For sheer bang for the buck and inherent ergonomics,
nothing can remotely compare. The P-38 opens
cans. Any classic tin can, any time, any
place. It runs forever. No batteries
required. Fully portable.
Self-protecting. Cost is zilch. No users
manuals or tutorials.
Let's see what we got here. Two tiny pieces of
stamped steel. One is grooved for extra
strength. The blade folds flat for storage or
pops open for use. The first time you see one,
you will swear that it couldn't possibly work.
But it sure does. The secret is "walking"
around the folded rim present on all classic cans.
Your thumb and forefinger form a double lever that
pivots on the rim. With a surprising amount of
force magnification. Probably many tons
of pressure per square inch at the blade edge.
The elegant simplicity here is profound: ultra low cost
and very small size. Perfectly matched to both
the user and the job to be done. Use of the
absolute minimum of force concentration to reliably
carry out one well defined task. While a
throwaway item intended for one time use, these last
forever. A classic in every sense of the word.
# # #
To review Don Lancaster's complete article and
Midnight Engineering click below

For more publications, articles and stories
about the P-38 Can Opener please see our dedicated
Can Opener
Below are
selected excerpts from the Government specification
that covers the P-38 can opener.
Pertinent Documents:
A-A-52203 - 1996
MIL-O-20582C - 1967
MIL-O-20582D - 1970
MIL-O-20582E - 1988
Official Nomenclature: OPENER,
specification is mandatory for use by all Department
and agencies of the Department of Defense.
Scope. This specification covers a
lightweight, folding, hand-operated can opener for
severing tops of rimmed metal cans.
Classification. The can openers shall
be of the following types as specified (see 6.2):
Type I - Small, for opening individual portion-sized
cans in the field.
Type II - Large, for opening group portion-sized cans
in the field.
2.1.2 Other
Government documents, drawings, and publications.
The following other Government documents, drawings,
and publications form a part of this specification
to the extent specified herein. Unless
otherwise specified, the issues shall be those in
effect on the date of the solicitation.
2-9-148 - Opener, Can, Hand, Folding, Type I; Can
Opener and Directions for Use
5-13-4260 - Opener, Can,
Hand, Folding, Type II
Steel, sheet and strip. The material
for the can openers shall be carbon steel sheet and
strip conforming to numbers 1050, 1055, or 1065 of
and Construction. The can openers
shall be designed and constructed as specified
herein and as shown on the applicable drawing.
The openers shall completely sever the tops of
circular, rectangular, or tray pack cans, as
applicable, when tested as specified in
The openers shall be assembled so the knife blade
offers resistance to changing from the closed
position to the open position and from the open
position to the closed position. Opening of
the blade shall be accomplished by use of the hand
without the use of an auxiliary instrument. It
is not required that the blade be retained firmly in
the open position.
3.3.1 Heat treatment (hardness).
The body and the blade of the can openers shall be
heat treated to a Rockwell "C" hardness of not less
than 47 nor more than 55 and shall be verified by
the test specified in
3.3.2 Knife Blade.
The knife blade shall have a sharp, tapered, cutting
edge formed by grinding, milling, shearing or
3.3.3 Finish (plating).
All burrs and rough edges shall be removed.
The opener shall be tin plated in accordance with
type I of MIL-T-10727. The thickness of
plating on all surfaces shall be not less than
0.0001 inch when tested as specified in
Identification Marking. Each type I
and type II can opener shall be permanently and
distinctly stamped with letters "U.S." and the
manufacturer's name or trademark. Markings
shall be of the size and in the locations shown on
the applicable drawing. Markings shall be
applied so there is no distortion or unevenness
opposite the markings or penetration through the
Cutting. Each sample can opener shall
be tested to determine that it completely severs the
tops of both circular and rectangular cans as
required by 3.3. The test for the type I can
opener shall be performed on one commercial No. 2
circular can and one rectangular can measuring
approximately 6-5/8 inches long by 4-1/8 inches wide
by a minimum of 1-5/8 inches high. The test
for the type II can opener shall be performed on one
rectangular 1001 by 1206 by 200 size tray pack can,
and on one commercial No. 10 circular can. Any
non-conformance with the specified requirements
shall constitute failure of this test. Unit packing. Each can opener, with
the blade folded flat, shall be packed in an
envelope made from material comprised of not less
than 0.0005-inch thick polyethylene coated on not
less than 25 pounds basis weight (24 by 36 - 500)
unbleached Kraft paper and the seams shall be formed
by heat sealing. The envelope containing one
can opener shall be closed by heat sealing.
The maximum dimensions of the envelope shall be
1-11/16 inches by 2-3/4 inches for the type I can
opener, and 2 inches by 3-1/4 inches for the type II
can opener.
Special Marking. Each unit pack shall
have printed thereon a diagram and directions for
use as shown on the applicable drawing.
Use - The type I can opener is intended for
use by military personnel in the field to open
combat-type rations, in-flight rations, and
emergency rations. The type II can opener is
intended for use by military personnel in the field
to open military tray pack and round can components
of the 36-soldier Tray Pack Meal Modules.
term (key word) listing.
Can opener
Meal module
Tray pack
This can opener was designed to open
smaller cans such as commercial No. 2 can with a top
diameter of 2-1/8 inches. A #2 can would be the same size as a standard soup
In section 5.4.1
Special Markings. It states that each
unit pack shall have the diagram and directions for
use shown on the drawing imprinted on the physical

Government Drawing for the P-38 can opener.
Click the photo below to be taken to the drawing.
Actual copies of this drawing are available for
purchase in our on-line
Click on the Photo to the Left to see a copy of the
P-38 Government engineering
Official Drawing Title: OPENER,
Reprints of this drawing are
available for purchase.

We have had so
many requests for Original
Issue - full sized - sets of prints or engineering
drawings that we
now offer the prints for sale. Plotted as full D sized engineering drawings
these prints make great wall hangers, posters or
conversation starters. There is so much
history associated with these can openers that
almost 8 out of 10 people will instantly recognize
the can opener and the prints encourage conversation
- lead in to war stories and we guarantee at the
least they will conjure up dreams, memories and tall
We take framed
prints to all our on site shows and venues such as
car shows, gun shows, etc. The prints
themselves generate as much interest as the can
openers. Many people want to copies of the
engineering drawings after they know the history of
the P-38 or P-51.
Note: The drawing above has been modified for
use on the web site and has been watermarked to
protect our research efforts. Purchased copies
of these prints are original copies (unadulterated)
and are delivered plotted as D sized (22"x34")
engineering prints.
NOTE: Both the P-38 and P-51 can opener is
considered contraband when traveling on a
commercial air line. These can openers will
be confiscated by airport security personnel.
See the below excerpt from a testimonial.
For more publications, articles
and stories about the P-38 Can Opener please see our
Sgt. Steve Wilson
38 ways to
use the P-38 private
1. can opener
2. seam ripper
3. screwdriver
4. clean fingernails
5. cut fishing line
6. open paint cans
7. window scraper
8. scrape around floor corners
9. digging
10. clean out groove on Tupperware lids
11. reach in and clean out small cracks
12. scrape around edge of boots
13. bottle opener
14. {in the field} gut fish
15. {in the field} scale fish
16. test for "doneness" when baking on a camp fire
17. prying items
18. strip wire
19. scrape pane in the field
20. lift key on flip top cans
21. chisel
22. barter
23. marking tool
24. deflating tires
25. clean sole of boot/shoe
26. pick teeth
27. measurement
28. striking flint
29. stirring coffee
30. puncturing plastic coating
31. knocking on doors
32. Morse Code
33. box cutter
34. opening letters
35. write emergency messages
36. scratch an itch
37. save as a souvenir
38. rip off rank for on the spot promotion
Kobie read an
article about a Mr. Ron Hingst of Howell, Michigan. Mr. Hingst had his P-38 of 30 years
taken up at the airport as he traveled on business.
Kobie elected to sent him a
replacement and this was the response we received.
: Yes I am the guy who lost his P-38 of 30 some
: Thank you for the kind offer and the replacement
: Two other fellows
also sent me a P-38 Replacement.
: I have been carrying my new P-38 for two years
: fly for business...and nobody has said a word.
: Thanks again for contacting me and good luck with
your business.
: Ron Hingst
: Howell, Michigan (near Detroit)
For more publications, articles
and stories about the P-38 Can Opener
please see our dedicated
This is the article that captured
Kobie's interest in Mr. Hingst.
By Neal Rubin / The Detroit News

THE ARMY gave Ron Hingst a
P-38 when he was 19 years old, and he
carried it faithfully for 35 years,
through good times and bad times and
lots of airports.
A security guard at Newark
International snatched it away this
month, and now there's an empty place in
the Howell man's heart. Also, his
keyring is lighter.
Hingst's P-38 was not the Walther
pistol of the same name, or for that
matter the P-38 Lightning fighter plane
from World War II. It was a can opener
-- a 1 1/2-inch-tall piece of metal with
a small, hinged triangular beak that
folded out to puncture lids.
The Army developed the P-38 in all of
30 days in 1942. Many consider it the
military's greatest invention. It
doesn't break, rust or dull, and until
C-rations were replaced by Meals, Ready
to Eat, the P-38 was a soldier's
invitation to dinner.
As two generations of veterans can
tell you, the P-38 was also a first-rate
screwdriver, boot cleaner, letter
opener, carburetor repair tool and
anything else you needed it to be. But
today, apparently, it's dangerous and
Hingst, 54, flies at least once a
month. A few weeks ago, he and his P-38
set off to Quebec City to play hockey.
He went from Detroit to Boston and
Boston to Newark, and his can opener
passed muster twice.
Then, on the final leg of the trip, a
guard stopped him. "You got to give me
that," the man said.
"C'mon," Hingst protested. But the
clock was ticking, the line behind him
was only growing longer, "and what could
I do? I'm going to argue about my can
Coming home through Boston a few days
later, Hingst saw a uniformed National
Guardsman and decided to get himself
some sympathy.
"Can you believe I had my P-38
confiscated?" Hingst said.
"Well, it should have been," said the
Guardsman. "The 38 is a sidearm."
Hingst thus discovered that the P-38
is no longer standard issue. So he still
doesn't have his can opener, and now he
feels old.
The Detroit
News Feb 20, 2002
For more publications, articles and stories
about the P-38 Can Opener please see our dedicated
A word from a P-38 Manufacturer:
There was one problem with the
manufacture of the P-38 and P-51 can openers -
Hydrogen Embrittlement. Most people say
hydrogen what? Hydrogen Embrittlement is a
condition that effects metal and makes it brittle
and weak. For technical definitions of
Hydrogen Embrittlement see the resources at the end
of this article.
Mr. xxx said, "as you know the
blades of the P-38 and P-51 can openers are hardened
between 47 - 52 on the Rockwell "C" scale.
This is very close to brittle." "We had
constant problems with hydrogen embrittlement as a
result of the plating process."
Hydrogen embrittlement is a
phenomenon that affects high-strength steel.
Hydrogen--often from pickling or plating--invades
the grain structure of a high strength steel, making
it brittle an subject to catastrophic failure.
The best approach is to avoid or
minimize processes that cause hydrogen
embrittlement. The second best approach is to bake
the parts to drive the hydrogen out, preferably very
soon after plating. Some people feel that some
degree of permanent damage occurs during the time
between plating and baking, and that it is thus
vital to bake immediately. Others feel that the old
standard "bake within 24 hours" is sufficient.
-- Ted Mooney, P.E.
Finishing Technology - Brick, NJ

3 for $1.00
$0.75 each
We cannot express enough thanks to
Georgia-Outfitters.com and Mr. James Clarke.
In the interest of offering the most comprehensive
history of the P-38 and P-51 can openers on the
Internet, Mr. Clarke has teamed up with DogTagsRus
to work together so we may expand our offerings as
it relates to these can openers. DogTagsRus
wants to thank Mr. Clarke for his contributions and
specifically the use of his photographs. By
allowing DogTagsRus to use existing photographs we
have been able to concentrate on bringing you more
information by not having to spend our time
duplicating Mr. Clarke's efforts.