Necklace, Personnel Identification Tag
Dog Tag Chains
Dog Tag Holders
Issue -
Official Regulation
identification tag or dog tag necklace's are
available for purchase thru our on-line
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to purchase Genuine
Issue regulation

Necklace, Personnel Identification Tag
Dog Tag "chains"
The necklace is the chain that
military personnel use to wear their identification
tags. One might ask why have a informational
section dedicated to the necklace or chain? Is
the necklace that important that we should spend our
time writing about it? Well obviously the
military thinks the chain is very important.
The military thinks the chain is so important that
they have issue a military specification dedicated
solely to the necklace and it's construction.
Below is a short history of how we
came to have a necklace issued with the
identification tags. Initially dog tags were
not issued with a chain.
Enclosed here are selected excerpts
from the current military specification that governs
the Necklace, Personnel, Identification Tag.
Necklace, Personnel,
Identification Tag
MIL-N-3019C 1970
MIL-N-3019D 1982
MIL-N-3019E 1990
Abstract. The necklace is intended to
be worn by military personnel to support two
personnel identification tags.
Salient characteristics. The necklace
shall be comprised of a main loop and extension
loop, made up of chain. The chain shall be comprised
of bead shaped and dumbbell shaped elements. The
chain and splicing links shall be fabricated from
corrosion resistant (stainless) steel. Each bead
shaped element shall be Number 3 size, with 97 beads
per foot and a tolerance of plus 3 beads, minus
none. The overall length of the main loop chain
including the splicing link shall be 27 inches, plus
1/4 inch, minus 0 inch. The overall length of the
extension loop chain including the splicing link
shall be 5-1/2 inches, plus 1/4 inch, minus 0 inch.
One splicing link shall be used to join the ends of
the main loop chain and one splicing link shall be
used to join the ends of the extension loop chain.
All parts of the necklace shall be freely rotatable
and longitudinally movable relative to each other.
The necklace shall be given a bright polished
finish. The necklace does not include the
identification tags shown in Figure 1.
1.1 Scope. This specification covers
one type and size of necklace for personnel
identification tags.
2.1.2 Other Government documents, drawings,
and publications.
4-1-486 Necklace, Personnel, Identification Tag
3.2 Materials and components.
3.2.1 Steel, corrosion-resistant. The
steel shall conform to types 304, 305 or 316,
condition annealed, hot-rolled or cold-rolled of
ASTM-A 240.
3.3.1 Loop and extension. The main
loop and extension loop shall be made of chain. The
chain shall be composed of bead shaped and dumbbell
shaped elements fabricated from steel specified in
3.2.1. There shall be not less than 7 nor more than
10 bead shaped elements in each inch of necklace
length. All parts of the necklace shall be freely
rotatable and longitudinally movable relative to
each other. Dimensions. The overall length
of the main loop including the splicing link shall
be 27 inches, plus 1/4 inch, minus 0 inch. The
overall length of the extension loop including the
splicing link shall be 5-1/2 inches, plus 1/4 inch,
minus 0 inch.
3.3.2 Splicing links. The splicing
links shall be fabricated from steel specified in
3.2.1 and shall conform to the details and
dimensions of Drawing 4-1-486. One splicing link
shall be used to join the ends of the main loop and
one splicing link shall be used to join the ends of
the extension loop.
3.4 Breaking strength. When tested as
specified in 4.5.1. The main loop and the extension
loop shall have a breaking strength of not less than
15 pounds and not greater than 32 pounds. The
section of the loop tested shall include the
splicing link.
3.5 Finish. The necklace shall be
given a bright polished finish.
3.6 Marking. The contractor may place
his identification on the splicing link provided
there are no rough edges and the splicing link is
not damaged or impaired.
4.5 Methods of inspection.
4.5.1 Breaking strength test. Two
breaking strength determinations shall be made on
each sample unit (one on the main loop and one on
the extension loop). The testing machine shall
consist of a means of supporting the chain; and a
means for slowly and uniformly applying the load to
the chain, and a means for determining the applied
load. The chain material shall be inserted in the
machine in such a manner that there are no kinks in
the chain, that the supporting means and the load
applying means do not damage or distort the beads,
and that the chain section tested includes the
splicing link. A load of 0 to 15 pounds shall be
applied uniformly over a period of 1 minute. The
load shall then be uniformly increased to determine
the maximum breaking strength. If the chain breaks
within three beads of the clamping device the test
shall be disregarded and repeated. The results shall
be reported for
each loop to the nearest 0.1 pound. Any result not
falling within the limits specified in 3.4 shall be
considered a test failure.
6.1 Intended use. The necklace is
intended to be worn by military personnel to
support, in a regulation manner, two personnel
identification tags.

Click on the Photo to the Left to see a copy of
the Government engineering
Official Drawing Title:
Reprints of this drawing are
available for purchase in our

History shows that identification
tags were not standardized in the United States
military until the early part of WWII.
Originally identification tags were issued but there
was no standard method of wearing the tags around
the neck. Some people used store purchased
necklaces, other used store bought chains while some
used just cotton cord similar to a shoe lace.
There have been documented accounts
of the following items being used for Identification
Tag necklaces or holders in the past.
Leather cord
Cotton cord
Rayon cord
Nylon cord
Rayon Identification Tag holders:
The company that supplied these
Identification Tag holders supplied them in
different colors and patterns for different branches
of the military.
Below is a box that illustrates the
branches of service that this company supplied.

Air Corps
Military Police
Tank Destroyer
Signal Corps
Chemical Warfare
These Identification Tag Holders
were constructed of Rayon. Rayon was
introduced in 1910 and was a predecessor of Nylon.
Rayon has the following
Highly absorbent
Soft and comfortable
Easy to dye
Drapes well
To find out more about Rayon you can
review a complete document on the subject at the
following web site:
These identification tag holders
were aftermarket products that were usually
purchased by service men and women themselves.
Below are some Examples of the Rayon
Identification Tag Holders

The above is an "ORDNANCE" ID Tag Holder

The above is an "CALVARY" ID Tag Holder

The above is an "MEDICAL CORPS." ID Tag Holder

The above is an "SIGNAL BATTALION" ID Tag Holder