"Vietnam Dog Tags"
OFF-LINE for updating
Check back in a few days!!!!!!!!!
We have received
so much new information that we have taken this page
off line and are currently updating this page so
that we may provide the most accurate and detailed
information possible.
Please check back
in several days to see this updated page.
If you have
information you wish to contribute to this web site
in particular - history, information or you personal
experiences please forward any and all information
to us via email. You can contact us 24/7
though the contacts page located on this web site.
We are
particularly interested in testimonials.
We are also
seeking the following factory manuals - original
manuals NOT photocopies or reproductions that we
might either purchase or borrow so that we might
have high quality professional reproductions made
from. The photo quality of copied manuals
found on the Internet is not suitable for
reproduction - for this reason we are seeking
original Factory manuals.
If you have for sale or are
willing to loan to us a Factory manual so that we
might reproduce it please contact us via email.
Help keep this web site running - we work hard to
bring to you the most accurate and detailed
information we can but it costs money to run this
web site. Please visit our on-line